
before the baby...

Before the baby:

  • I thought I could take a fast shower...and that I would get a shower every day after the baby arrived.
  • I thought my house was messy.
  • I thought I never saw my friends.
  • I thought swaddling would solve all of my baby crying troubles (my baby hates swaddling).
  • I thought baby swings and seats would help me with my housework (which, to be fair, they did until physical therapy).
  • I thought that if my baby learned to sleep well at night, she wouldn't ever have trouble after that unless she was sick or something.
  • I thought we would have more visitors - I am both grateful and sad that we didn't have more, if you know what I mean...
And now for some positives, just so you know that I love my baby! I didn't mean for this to sound so complain-y.
  • I thought that I would be more naive about babies. I'm not trying to make myself sound like a genius or anything (I still call my mom a lot and look up things online), but I really thought that I wouldn't be as prepared as I turned out to be.
  • I thought I knew what love was (awww... :D)
And now for some pictures. These are all during her 2nd month:


katie+brandon said...

motherhood is full of "i thoughts"! At least that'st he one thing I've learned...
She is SO beautiful cathy! I just love her! Love the pictures!

Diana said...

I love that green jacket.

I totally agree with your "I thought I knew what love was" statement. You never knew your heart could love that much, huh?

times new roman said...

Awww! She looks so happy and squirmy and super duper cute!