
thank goodness for coworkers!

Yesterday at work, it was decided that I would switch back to teaching math in the afternoons instead of literacy.

I love teaching literacy. It's not as clear cut and set in stone as math. You have more freedom to have fun and enjoy making the lessons.

Math scares me. I've never enjoyed math, even though I'm good at it. I taught it in the fall for a few weeks when my coworker was gone, and that was enough for me.

But now I am back. And I have to plan a week of geometry/graphing and data lessons for next week. Needless to say, yesterday I was feeling really, really stressed.

Then, around 8, my coworker (who will be teaching math with me) called me. She wasn't stressed, because she was now getting a teaching partner. She called because both our husbands were at work until 10, and I'm guessing she knew I was pretty stressed out. So I went over to hang out at her house. We made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, mandarin orange shakes (YUM!) and watched a movie. It was so awesome, and I'm so grateful for an amazing coworker/friend who I'll hopefully being doing more stuff with in the future.

Thanks, J!

1 comment:

Dianna said...

Well if you get stuck coming up with ideas, drop Mr. Mordecai a line. It's no secret that he loves math.

I hope you have fun. I think you will end up liking it and maybe learning something too!

I would probably choose reading over math, too, though.