
cleaning updates and recipe updates

We'll discuss recipe updates first. Remember when I started that recipe blog? And how I actually did pretty good for awhile? Yeah. That fell apart. I do want to try it again soon, though. And I've still been trying new recipes, even though I've not been posting about them.

And remember when I said I was deep cleaning my home? If you don't, that's okay. I forgot, too!

Just kidding, I didn't really forget. I was hoping to get it done by the end of October, but I started with my kitchen. That was a bad idea. After cleaning out and reorganizing all of the cupboards, I was exhausted. But I am almost done with the kitchen. I just have the oven left to clean, and the blinds also. Then the easy stuff like sweeping/mopping and wiping down the counters.

I've also finished the hallway (even though it wasn't that hard, I feel good about it)! And I've cleaned the ceiling fan and blinds in my living room. And Baby has just sat by and been so good while I do it!

Today has been productive, too! I have taken a nap (thanks, husband, for letting that happen), I've cooked, mashed, and put in the freezer some sweet potatoes for baby. I also made a pumpkin roll for ME! Oh, I guess Mr. Webb can have some, too. :) If you've never had a pumpkin roll, you're missing out. If you've never had a frozen pumpkin roll, you're doubly missing out! They are delicious either way, but I love them frozen!

Tonight I'm hoping to clean the blinds in my kitchen and the ceiling fan in our bedroom. Who knows when I'll finally get the guts to tackle that darn oven...


Unknown said...

YES!!! Pumpkin roll. And about that cleaning thing, it never really ends... So take comfort in knowing that if you didn't do it today it was going to be there tomorrow anyway!

Dianna said...

She just looks so much like you.

I haven't really cleaned my house all the way since we moved in. Bad me. It could sure use it. But I actually vacuumed today! One step at a time, I guess.

Wish we lived nearer so I could eat some of your pumpkin roll and you could eat some of my chocolate pomegranate cookies. :)

times new roman said...

I am still smarting from my recent attempt at a roll cake (vanilla sponge and tangerine filling - it worked perfectly, then ended up on the kitchen floor and then in the trash).

Also I love the tiger costume!