
baby updates!

Lots of pictures in this one!

First off, my baby met one of her pre-birth friends. Just half a year ago, my co-worker and I were both pregnant! She finally had her baby, and we went to show our cute girls off at our old place of work. Look how cute they are! They are going to be best friends.

We gave baby her first rice cereal. Are you wondering what she thought about it? These pictures will answer that question.

Today was day 3 of trying to feed it to her, and now she won't even open her mouth. I'll keep trying for a few days, but if it doesn't get better, I might give up!

She also got her first taste of applesauce. It's canning season, and my mom has 2 apple trees in her yard. So on Friday night we picked apples, and pretty much all day Saturday we cooked and smushed them into the yummiest applesauce ever! I dipped the binky in the applesauce, and you better believe that baby sucked that binky very vigorously! She liked it, I think! Also, we canned 83 quarts on Saturday. More to come this weekend!

These last few pictures are her sad face (I still think it's even more sad when you see it in person), and her 5 month old pictures. She turned 5 months old TODAY!


times new roman said...

She is way too big! Tell her to quit growing until we can visit. :)

The one of her with her face super scrunched up and sad looks just like you used to when you cried.

katie+brandon said...

Um, I don't like that sad face. I mean, it's so super cute and all, but it breaks my heart! She is too cute. Keep on the rice cereal, she'll get it!