
8 months

Since my cute baby turned 8 months old, I wanted to get down some milestones she has accomplished in the past few months. I haven't been keeping a very good record of her accomplishments, so at least I'll have some here. It's just a lot of rambling, so sorry about that.

  • She has gone from scooting around like an inchworm to being a full-fledged crawler. And man is she fast! She is also quite talented at crawling around with a  toy in each hand. When she gets hold of something she really wants, there's no putting it down for her.
  • She can sit up from her tummy all by herself. She just figured it out in the past few weeks, and she cheers for herself whenever she finishes sitting up.
  • She can say a few words. The first word she ever said was "kitty." She can also say: mommy, daddy, hi, and yay. She said "no" once, while I was saying it over and over to try and get Mr. Webb to stop tickling me. And she can almost say "teddy." But she hasn't said it since. Mostly she just babbles with mammas, dadadas, baobabs, and nananas.
  • She can wave.
  • I've been putting her on the potty after every nap, and she has gone on the potty a few times. Not that she realizes what she's doing, but eventually she'll get it.
  • She can almost pull herself up to stand. She's getting really good at it, and probably in the next month or so she'll be able to do it.
  • She's started eating little snacks, like cheerios. She's not too good at feeding them to herself, but she's getting there.
  • She has 4 teeth, and is really good at gnawing on things. When she got her first two teeth about a month ago, I didn't even realize it. I was waiting for her to get all grumpy and fussy. But one day I saw her teeth and realized that she is just the happiest baby ever and didn't fuss or whine at all when she cut her teeth. What a good girl!
  • When I'm not paying enough attention to her, she'll crawl over to where her books are and bang on them until I go over and read to her. It's really cute.
Here's a picture of her vampire fangs that my brother took on his phone.

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