
say bye-bye, binky!

This was supposed to be a lot of pictures. Some of cupcakes, some of my baby on Christmas...but I'm too lazy to load the cupcake pictures on my computer, and I have to ask Mr. Webb to send me the pictures of Christmas, because we took them on his phone.

So instead, I'm going to tell you some of my resolutions. We learned last week in Relief Society that you usually succeed more in your goals if you tell people about them. So instead of telling real people in real life(although I've told my husband, and I'm fairly certain he counts as real), I'm telling you all.

#1 - Baby only gets her binky when she sleeps. I started the last couple days of December, and you know what? She hasn't missed it at all. I want to have her completely off her binky by the time she's one, but we'll see about that...

#2 - I'm probably going to get a lot of people calling me crazy about this one, but I'm trying to potty train my baby. There was a girl in my ward a year or two ago who did this with her baby boy. He wasn't even a year old yet, and she hadn't changed his diaper in months. You have them go enough on the potty, and they start asking to go. So I'm going to do it! Hopefully...

#3 - Lose weight. I don't think I really have to explain this one. Except that I'm trying to lose it by my birthday. That's about 4 1/2 months. Good luck to me!

#4 - Be a better mom. This includes a lot of stuff. Keeping my house cleaner, making meals more often, spending more quality time with both the baby and the husband, etc.

So wish me luck; check up on me if you feel so inclined. And good luck to you and your goals for the new year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

goal #5- make more treats for my brother because he's the only one I have.