
frog cake

On Saturday night, my sister-in-law texted me, asking if I would make a birthday cake for my nephew. We were celebrating it the next day. I didn't have time to go buy supplies, so I had to make do with what I had, and what my mother and mother-in-law had.

It turned out SO GOOD! I was so happy! I ended up making a frog cake. It was very simple, and very quick. It took one 9-in circle cake, one 8-in square cake, and two cupcakes (but I used ding-dongs that we got in our stocking from our in-laws). You cut the legs out of the square cakes, and the cupcakes are used as the eyes. Instead of frosting it smoothly, I used a decorating tip to make it look a little more fancy. The tongue is just a piece of Fruit By the Foot (courtesy of my mother-in-law's pantry).

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment.

And here is a picture of Mr. Webb and I on New Year's Eve.

Happy 2010!


katie+brandon said...

You're amazing. I want to be you.

Rachel M. said...

1. I love your hair in that picture!!
2. You have mad cake skills!!

Dianna said...

That is very impressive! Have you taken a class or did you just figure it out yourself?

Diana said...

Very cute. I wish I was better at cakes, but I guess that means I gotta get working on them!

Mrs. Webb said...

Mrs. M

I do it myself. I base everything on pictures I find, but I've never taken a class. Having a hefty frosting decorator with a plethora of tips helps, though! :)