
recent happenings

  1. I've decided to "Spring" clean my house. In the fall. I'm getting closer to being done with my kitchen - hopefully the hardest room in the house! It's a mess right now.
  2. Even though I drink it year round, I am glad to welcome back hot chocolate weather! I love the rain and gray skies. I wait for this weather all year. My favorite.
  3. Our battery for our much loved MacBook died...and I probably shouldn't say it...but maybe it knew Steve Jobs was going to also. Oh...that was horrible. But seriously, what a coincidence! Anyway, I'm waiting to post on my recipe blog until we get our new one, because I don't want to put my pictures on this computer. Also, my recipe blog is kind of on hold while I'm cleaning my kitchen. because I can't really cook until it's put back together.
  4. My baby is so big! She's about 5 months old now, and she can roll all around the room. I will probably start her on rice cereal in the next few weeks.
That's pretty much it.

1 comment:

times new roman said...

good luck with the kitchen! I guess there are pros to having an itty bitty teeny tiny one - quick clean!