
are you kidding me?

So, Mr. Webb and I were talking the other day. We had just seen a commercial for Hershey's Air Delight. Have you seen the commercial or the candy bar in the store?

We just laughed and started joking. I'm not sure if this is exactly what we said, but it was along these lines:

Mr. Webb: "Can you just imagine the pitch meeting for that?"

Me: "Hehe...we're going to put some AIR in a candy bar and sell it!"

Mr. Webb: "You know what would make our chocolate taste better? AIR!"

Me: "We're going to charge people for air."

Both: Hysterically laughing

Anyhow, you get the idea.

I just can't believe that Hershey's stuck some air bubbles inside some mediocre chocolate and are (probably - I haven't actually seen it in stores) charging even more than a regular candy bar for it.

Silly people. Don't spend your money on air. It's already free! Just breathe in and eat some chocolate.

Same thing, people. Same thing.


Diana said...


katie+brandon said...

I totally agree with you, I've had the same thoughts. For real? Chocolate with air? WHy is that better?