
pregnancy ups and downs

A few people have asked me if I'm going to write a post about how my pregnancy has been going, so this is me writing a post about how my pregnancy has been going.

 baby's face

 baby's feet - my favorite part of the ultrasound

baby's bum and legs - it's a girl!

I'm almost 2/3 done with my pregnancy! Yesterday I hit my 23 week mark. So basically...I haven't really recorded my experiences anywhere. No journaling or anything. I'm so bad! But I'll put a few things down here for now.

My first 3 months were better than most people get to experience. I only had morning sickness for a few days. It didn't last long, because I figured out very quickly that I only got sick when I didn't eat. So really, I never actually threw up! Just a few dry heaves. Gross. That was too much information. Sorry. So, other than that, it was pretty awesome.

Pregnancy Downers:

  • head and back aches
  • being hungry ALL the time
  • the awkwardness of clothes being either too big or too small, but never actually fitting
  • never being able to get enough sleep to feel not sleepy when I wake up
  • not getting to eat cookie dough or cake batter or runny eggs
Pregnancy Ups:
  • being able to eat food ALL the time and not feel guilty
  • not being too sick like most people have to be when they're pregnant
  • craving healthy foods instead of junky foods
  • having a baby inside of me. that moves around
  • almost getting back to my pre-marriage weight in my first trimester


katie+brandon said...

you are doing so great! I am so excited for you. I'm SO glad it's going... okay. Sometimes pregnancy SUCKS>... you're so much better than me though, I Was just a grump because I hated it so much. I was sick the whole time! anyway, congratulations times a hundred!! I am so excited for you guys!

Dianna said...

I'm go glad that you're not feeling sick. I wasn't too sick with mine either. I think that would be terrible. Hope you continue to feel well!

Calista said...

That is so great that you've been feeling good! And now you're in the wonderful stage of pregnancy - the beloved mid-second trimester! I am so excited for your little girl too!!! And isn't it weird how you crave healthy things? I can not get enough oranges in my life, but I never really liked them before. Go figure :)