
need a new use for your muffin tin?

So, a few days ago I was just browsing around on the internet. I don't remember where I saw this idea, but hopefully I can find it again so I can give credit. But basically, it was called the muffin tin diet. Either at night before bed or right in the morning, fill each cup of a muffin tin with some healthy snacks (ex: carrot sticks in one cup, handful of nuts in another, a cup of yogurt in the next, etc). Then, every two hours you eat one of the snacks. Oh, and you probably only need to fill up 6 or 7. I guess you could fill all 12 and then you'd be all set for two days! Hey, look at that planning! :)

BUT...why put all your snacks in a muffin tin, you ask? That way, when you're ready for a snack, you have a healthy snack all ready to go, and you don't wander about your kitchen looking for something. Because I know that when I search my kitchen, I always end up with a cookie, some ice cream, or something else not good for me.

I've also seen a lot of websites, like this one, that use muffin tins to make meals more fun for their little ones.

Anyway, I'm going to try this out for a bit and see if it helps me eat a little better. Wish me luck!


Dianna said...

That sounds like a good idea. I know I was always starving during nursing.

Melerella said...

Wanna know another good use for a muffin tin? Turn the muffin tin upside down and take some cookie dough and shape it around the bump of the cup. Then cook it up side down. Then when they come out you'll have little cookie cups you can put ice cream in them or something. Not a very healthy choice, but I think it sounds fun.

Mrs. Webb said...

Funny you should mention that, Mel. I just barely saw that idea yesterday and wanted to try it out!

katie+brandon said...

great idea!