

My baby wants to grow up too fast. Within one month, she learned to roll from her back to her tummy AND roll from her tummy to her back. She's a pro at the first, and getting scarily good at the second. This mommy needs to baby proof ASAP.

One problem we have with the rolling is that she does it in her sleep. And then mommy gets a rude awakening when baby screams because she doesn't want to be on her tummy. She's getting better, though. Most mornings when I get her up, she is asleep on her tummy.

She's a very, very happy baby. Especially in the morning. I walk in, see her little face, say "Hi!" And I get the biggest smile ever. I love it!

In non-baby news, I am very proud of myself. For the past few weeks, I have not only planned menus, but have actually made dinner almost every night! My recent favorite was one I made just today. Crispy orange beef. So amazingly yummy. Mr. Webb LOVED it! Instead of using plain white rice like the recipe said, I made some brown rice, and then added carrots, snow peas, green onions, an egg, and some soy sauce and sesame oil to make some very yummy fried rice. The recipe took a lot of work, but was definitely worth it!

Also, I have been called as the Relief Society chorister, which I am loving. The rest of the ward loves it too, because they get to hold my cute girl. :)

I had some coupons for 50% and 40% off some bakeware items, so I purchased some things that I hope will make cake making a happier experience for me. I want to make pretty cakes, like this. But I've never succeeded. Hopefully I'll have an excuse to make a cake soon so I can try it out again.

Well, I'll try to put up some pictures next time.

Until then, have a wonderful week!

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