
8 year old birthday cupcakes

So, this picture isn't really that good (Mr. Webb took it on his brand new iPhone 4), but I'm not going to upload the better ones yet. I'll post them later.

I made these cupcakes for my nephew's 8th birthday. They're white cupcakes, filled with cinnamon cream cheese filling, and topped with buttercream, sprinkles, and a fizzle skittle. They were quite delicious, if I do say so myself. :)

In other news, I got my first paid cupcake gig. I know, it's not technically a gig, but that's what I'm calling it. Thanks to my awesome friend who made this happen!

And another friend (the sister of the first friend, coincidentally) asked me to give some decorating tips on my blog, so hopefully I can get to that soon!


Diana said...

Good for you!! I made cupcakes today. but, they were just frosting and sprinkles, because I wanted the sprinkles.....

katie+brandon said...

AWESOME!!! oh, you're amazing.

i'm not, ya know, talented, but if you ever need help with one of your gigs let me know! i'd love to shadow the pro!! :)

Calista said...

Congrats Cathy - that is super exciting!

And I've been carrying around cookie cutters for the last four days because I keep wondering a) if you still need some small ones and b) how I'm going to get them to you.

Good times :)