
free books!

I just read a message from a friend, and thought I share this info with all of you.

If you have an iTunes account, you now have access to many, many books read aloud. If you go to the iTunes store, one of the tabs at the top says iTunes U (this stands for University). Then type in lit2go, and voila! A great list of books to listen to!

I love read aloud books, although I usually like to listen to books I've already read so that I know what's going on if I stop paying attention for awhile. However, I am downloading The Scarlet Letter from iTunesU, because I've wanted to read it for awhile. So now, I'm going to "read" it.

They also have nursery rhymes, fairy tales, poems, and other fun things to explore!

I'm excited to get started!

1 comment:

Dianna said...

That is awesome! I like Librivox, but these recordings seem to be a lot better quality.