

I have finally gotten around to making my new years resolutions. I don't do this every year, but I decided that this year it was needed. I made resolutions to do with family, health, finance, work, spiritual life, and more. I am not going to share them all (you'd get bored), but I do want to tell you some of them so that you can check up on me once in awhile and make sure I'm actually doing these things.

1. Make dinner every night (except in cases of extreme illness and/or invitations to eat at other places).

2. Keep my house clean and organized. [PLEASE KEEP ME IN CHECK HERE!]

3. Exercise every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. [Check me here, too.]

4. Actually use my "green" bags when I go grocery shopping.

5. Write in my journal once a week (I made this goal a few months ago, but I never kept it...).

6. Read the Old Testament all the way through (I'm not sure I've ever done this).

7. Be prepared for Primary by Friday every week.

So...if you guys just want to pop in and ask me how I'm doing once in awhile, that'd be awesome!

What resolutions have you made?

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